April 4th... 2010
Today marks the end of the Tomato festival in Daejeo Busan. Daejeo is the terminal station on line 3 and leads to a big open green farm field. In this field are dozens of crops of assorted variety but mainly greenhouses containing tomatoes. Annually there is a festival in Daejeo that comes on the first Saturday of the month.
After getting up we hit the subway late in the morning. We rode the subway for 30 minutes to get to our destination. It was a fun ride for me because I hadn't been to many of the stops along the way. Each day I travel from Suyeong-Mangmi-Baesan-Mulmangol-Yeonsan but today I went on 16 out of the 17 stops. I got off at Sports park where the festival was taken place.
From Gupo station (a train depot) to my destination was all outside so while traveling you could catch a great view of the Nakdong river and see the mountainous side of Busan. After getting off at Sports park we wandered around looking at tomatoes and eating some chicken.
I got a free tomato because I asked my wife if people would eat the tomatoes that were on display for a prize and a man overheard me and gave me one saying its delicious. I was the only foreigner at the festival. Two women asked me if they could get their picture taken with me.
I felt I was special since there were hundreds of Busanians there but just me the lone white guy in a thick crowded area gazing at tomatoes.
the smells were pleasant and being in the countryside of Busan sure felt different that being back in the city life.
A league away on the other-side of the world people mainly of christian persuasion were celebrating a day of Jesus known as Easter. I only miss the days of petting Mister my uncles cat and finding eggs with Matt, Desiree and Jack. I don't really see the connotation with Jesus but its not my business it was a lucky family day and I guess I should be thankful since now those day are sadly over.
*I will be adding to this post at a later time. Its now 7:30 and I have to go back to work tomorrow my wife is sick and I should do something for her.
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