These days I am interested in going to Vietnam restaurant and eating rice noodles and Vietnam Wrap. Taste is various from sweet and greasy to super ultra spicy. Of course, I always choose spicy one. My face can be red and my stomach growls because of that, but my feeling is better all the time.
These pictures above are Vietnam Wrap. There is a big pot and you can put some green vegetables and mung-bean sprouts. It's similar to bean sprouts but a little different. These bean sprouts are essential ingredient of Vietnam food. If water boils, we put sliced beef in the pot, pick up and put on the rice paper. There are lots of sliced fresh vegetables as you saw the pictures. You can add whatever you want and then wrap. There are three different sauce. One is barbecue, another one is sour sauce and the other is spicy.
Next time, I will write more about rice noodles.
I'm thinking it must be dinner time because all this food is making me hungry. All the pictures above look delicious. As long as there is no sea food involved I would be willing to try some.